Web Site History
The Ston(e)y Lake web site was started in 1998. It was started by Paul
Martin with assistance from Heather Collins and later on Andre Girard.
The site was managed by Richard Wotherspoon from about 2006-2007
to 2016. (thanks to Richard for his hard work over the years). Paul
Martin assumed management in 2016. The site was converted to Word
Press and redesigned to be a community web site for the lake.
I would also like to thank Doug Tilly for his help with this Word Press
In 2021 the site was converted to a weebly site.
This site is funded by Gail and Jay Burton
Sales Representatives
c. 705.761.3165 o. 705.652.1598
Sales Representatives
c. 705.761.3165 o. 705.652.1598