Douro-Dummer Mayor Heather Watson 1 It would be inappropriate to weigh in on issues outside of my jurisdiction especially those that I have not had any proper knowledge of. Similarly, I would not be inclined to comment on any proposed / future development in Douro Dummer as all proponents are entitled to a fair process and is case specific. 2 Douro Dummer Township implemented a septic inspection program and I am proud to have supported that decision. As it relates to the environment and lake issues specifically, I would encourage interested citizens to read my Action Plan published on my website which addresses these issues.
Jim Coyle 1) I am opposed to any new development on the lake and in my capacity as President of BPOA I sent letters of support to oppose the developments you mention among others.
2) Our lake water quality is first and foremost on my radar screen. We need to continue to support the work of the Environment Council on shoreline naturalization. Septic inspections are a must and the harvesting of Starry Stonewort is not a good practice. Deputy Mayor Harold Nelson no reply Marc Trudeau no reply
Councillor, Douro Ward Marie Howran no reply Mark Porter no reply Ray Johnston no reply Councillor, Dummer Ward Adam Vervoort 1 I would vote to deny any future development on and around the lake. The areas around the lake that are suitable for development have been taken up for quite some time - future development would be on, or encroach upon lands that are environmentally or ecologically sensitive, or hold cultural significance to the First Nations community. We must all be cognisant of this and work together to lessen our environmental footprint around the lake as opposed to increasing it. 2 Pollution in the lake comes from a number of sources and many factors play into the discussion. First, commercial businesses that rent out residential properties on the lake for short term rentals contribute to the pollution of the lake; septic systems on these properties are not designed for the occupancy levels of these cottages and homes, and renters who use the lake are typically not aware of the environmental stewardship that is necessary for the well-being of the lake, particularly as it pertains to spreading invasive species like Starry Stonewort through boating practices. As such, I would vote to ban the commercial rental of residential properties (Airbnb style short term rentals). I would also vote to continue septic tank inspection programs that are in place and work with stakeholders (concerned residents, First Nations, ORCA) to ensure these inspections are adequate, and identify any other actions or policies that should be implemented. There are many residents that are highly knowledgeable with respect to environmental stewardship, and I would like to tap into this knowledge and passion to ensure continued protection of the lake.
Shelagh Landsmann 1 I would want very careful scrutiny of any areas wanting future development. Although I don’t believe anyone has ever been able to give a clear definition of “lake capacity”, there comes a point where there can be just too many developments. This causes more gas pollution from excess boats. People still continue to feed the geese who then multiply causing issues with water quality. For larger properties, i.e. resort development, there needs to be a large and comprehensive study on the suitability for the waterfront. Based on studies and reports from the past, I can’t say I am in favour of them. 2 There are new regulations in effect regarding cleaning of boats before transportation to another lake and other procedures so as not to transfer invasive species. Not all boaters may be aware of this, so they should be widely promoted. This would help the stop of transporting invasive species. Cottagers and residents may want perfectly pristine shorelines (armour stone rocks, etc.) but they need to understand that leaving natural shorelines will stop erosion, and also may stop or at least discourage many geese from coming on shore. Septic tank inspections are important, and are underway in Douro-Dummer. Quite a number of been done, however COVID did cause the inspections to cease for a while. Just a comment about water weeds, although many (myself included) would like a weed-free waterfront, I am not in favour personally with harvesting of the weeds – meaning dredging them out with a barge or other mechanical apparatus. It may work for a season, but the seeds that fall off the weeds that are being dragged out will multiply further in a couple of seasons, worsening the problem.